LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey

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16 Feb

The European Parliament adopted its annual progress report on for Serbia as a candidate country for joining the EU.
The report makes several positive remarks regarding Serbia’s adequate and institutions framework for protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms and welcomes the successful Pride March of 20 September 2015.
It notes however several shortcomings in the implementation of legislation particularly with regard to preventing discrimination against vulnerable groups including LGBTI people. The report stresses that discrimination and violence against LGBTI people remains a matter of concern along with a number of attacks on members of vulnerable groups that have not yet been fully investigated.
In that framework the European Parliament calls on Serbia to monitor the implementation of new legislation and policies, to address the reforms that have to be carried out and implemented in the areas of judiciary and fundamental rights as well as justice, freedom and security; calls on Serbia to tackle head-on the systematic socio-economic reform, encourages the country to ensure a transparent dialogue between civil society and state institutions and to increase their involvement in decision making process.
Moreover the Parliament encourages the government of Serbia to address Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member states and calls on authorities to actively promote respect for human rights for all.
Tanja Fajon, MEP, vice-president of the Integroup on LGBTI Rights and shadow rapporteur on Serbia said: “I am glad that the Parliament has again agreed that human rights, including for LGBTI people, are at the heart of the European integration project. Hatred and prejudice have kept too many people in the Balkans from full participation in society for far too long. It’s time for equal rights for all.”

Country - Serbia