LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey
Policy Paper – Equality has no alternative
ENGLISH / Academic
Astraea Western Balkans Landscape 2015
Council of Europe LGBTI Standards
Council of Europe Recommendations 2010
Council of the European Union LGBTI Guidelines
2013 / ENGLISH
Yogakarta Principles
Accessing Health: The context and the Challenges for LGBT People in Central and Eastern Europe
2006 / ENGLISH / Research
Recommendation CM/REC(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
2010 / ENGLISH / Recommendation
Combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity: Council of Europe standards
2011 / ENGLISH / Recommendation
Steering Committee for equality between women and men (CDEG) : Study on “Discrimination against lesbian and bisexual women and girls and transgender persons”
2011 / ENGLISH / Research