LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey
Policy Paper – Equality has no alternative
ENGLISH / Academic
2015 LGBTI Public Opinion Poll Western Balkans
Astraea Western Balkans Landscape 2015
Council of Europe LGBTI Standards
Council of Europe Recommendations 2010
Council of the European Union LGBTI Guidelines
2013 / ENGLISH
Accessing Health: The context and the Challenges for LGBT People in Central and Eastern Europe
2006 / ENGLISH / Research
Recommendation CM/REC(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
2010 / ENGLISH / Recommendation
Combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity: Council of Europe standards
2011 / ENGLISH / Recommendation
Steering Committee for equality between women and men (CDEG) : Study on “Discrimination against lesbian and bisexual women and girls and transgender persons”
2011 / ENGLISH / Research