LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey

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ECRI Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (fifth monitoring cycle)

Topic - EU Integration / Hate Speech / Rule of Law / Violence
Country - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Resource Type - Report
Language - ENGLISH
Year - 2016

The following report was drawn up by ECRI under its own responsibility. It covers the situation up to 30 June 2016; developments since that date are neither covered in the following analysis nor taken into account in the conclusions and proposals therein.
The fifth round country-by-country reports focus on four topics common to all member States: (1) Legislative issues, (2) Hate speech, (3) Violence, (4) Integration policies and a number of topics specific to each one of them. The fourth-cycle interim recommendations not implemented or partially implemented during the fourth monitoring cycle will be followed up in this connection.
In the framework of the fifth cycle, priority implementation is requested again for two specific recommendations chosen from those made in the report. A process of interim follow-up for these two recommendations will be conducted by ECRI no later than two years following the publication of this report.